Wednesday 23 March 2011

Japan, after the news

Last week it was Japan, this week it seems Libya has largely come to dominate the news agenda. Yet even as the camera crews set off for North Africa chasing the latest catastrophe, the death toll in Japan continues to rise - to now more than 21,000 while 180 technicians take huge risks to fight a nuclear melt down.

Rev Sam Trumbore has published the following prayer:

Let our thoughts, prayers and good wishes
move half way around the world to the people of Japan.
To those shivering in makeshift camps
sifting through the debris
for the shards of their shattered lives
wiped away by a wall of sea water.
To those grieving lost family members and friends
lost sources of livelihood and sustenance and
lost accumulated wealth and comfort.
To those stricken with terror,
re-traumatized with each aftershock and
frightened by each fire and release of radioactive steam
at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.
May the world rally to their aid
as they begin to pick up the pieces.
May efforts to stabilize the Fukushima plant be successful.
May each community rally for mutual support
as they begin to rebuild their lives,
and make peace with their losses.

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